
Showing posts from December, 2011


13---14 th December 2011 on the way to titiwangsa by LRT i'm bhind haw guan hai leh~> < 去到旅店,发现我们的两间房隔好远 20605--20626 拿饼干给另一间房时, 元海在大号,哈哈! 他们讲他脱裤上厕所大便 过后还听到“poooh” 其实是水生,他开花洒,可能水碰到门吧~ 哈哈,宏盛还笑他放屁大声  看到凯莹跟宏盛很亲密,当然是拍拖了啦... 不过他们有那种...夫妻相,对了!就是夫妻相! 左边是我看到很sweet的画面, 凯莹在吃maggie面,宏盛在跟人家讲话,虽然两个人没有什么讲话 不过看他们的pose都懂很亲了啦~ 右边是雪妮听到宏盛牺牲自己睡地毯, 凯莹睡他旁边的床, 雪妮讲:他们睡觉如果凯莹滚下床,就kiss到宏盛了, 哈哈·!!太有想象力了!! 元海还用khai yin 的baby shampoo 洗屁股~! khai yin都不知道,后来元海讲我们在那里大笑~ 还在等船玩的时候讨论到大大声 it's raining,we have to wait~ 我--进鬼屋就一直盖着眼睛乱喊,听到有鬼叫声喊更大声~ 原来是哪个wong yeow lim扮声音吓我,他在我前一辆车~ 耀霖--因为扮鬼尖叫,自己喉咙沙哑,结果玩flying dragon和船喊不出~ 就只是“woo...woo...”,哈哈~ 感谢耀霖跟我交换冷衣,好暖,哈哈~gentleman,hehe... 元海--坐船 时候,他在前面,耀霖后面,我中间,最湿就是他们了~~ 哈哈...保护得好好 then 一起去玩冲天箭,又湿又冷~又吓人!! *Jr Khor,我没有飞掉哟! roller coaster 耀霖终于喊得出了,哈哈~!晚上大雾的时候真刺激! 回旅店,到凯莹他们的房间冲, 进到去,结果... 呵呵,发现耀霖的衣挂在花洒上,吓到! 他快快拿掉,一边跑一边讲:你时运高,你看不到~! 傻傻的,哈哈!! 冲凉的时候听到他们在外面乱喊, 一下喊我的名,一下乱叫 原来他们那三个男的玩基奸 宏盛跟耀霖压着元海,哈哈! 被雪妮拍到照片,耀霖还滚下床,哈哈!! 过后说要看电影,结果是十一点多或一点多的戏 我和雪妮不看,回房,...


huhu!~~juz for fun this photo got up to 88 likes in my facebook~! surprise~


1st time making chocolate, haha~ actually juz "modify" or "give shape" to the chocolate after melting it here are the photos to be shared~! my handsome brother and beautiful me~  the shape of chocolate from below look ugly,but tasty,and i'm happy~ he's eating,haha~! too delicious~ i purposely do this ugly facial expression, hope that i don't scare u 没错,就是在说你~ this one is more normal wow~beauty and hansome, haha~ or u can say handsome and the beast(me) done~i wrapped 2 of them in colour papers, to make this photo more attractive, haha~~ tta rra~ finish but,haha,u know that purposely put this bigger,haha, the 1st photo looks chubby, ya,my face is always chubby~~ that's all for today~~ byebye~

I love u ,my friends!

even it's only 2 years of our friendship and some of us r friends for 10 years! our friendship will never change all the best wishes for u my buddies~ someday,when i touch our framed class photo with my hands full of wrinkles, it will bring me back to the days when we smiles and laughed loudly together we kept quiet to each other when we had misunderstandings we played around in the laboratory we kept our eyes focus on the camera while we felt someone was holding the camera the poses,funny,childish poses  the pure expressions of eyes and grins full of sunshine and the hugs and streaks of tears on our faces the day teachers and us said out the feelings and blesses i will never regret to have u as my classmates and good friends no matter how far the distance between us in future the words printed on our class T-shirt and also our heart will hold us tight "2gether 4ever" might the god allow us to become good friends in other lives again, I love u all,always yeah...1...