Nonsense friend

I asked myself, is all this worth it?
Does it worth defending myself?
Yet I was told I was wrong, as I did it in a sarcastic way

Just because I've act up and be nice and kind in a way that less problems will look for me in usual life
Or just simply I was kind 
How people described me as "angel" or "good girl"
doesn't give you a life-time guarantee of what I am and how I should behave

难道就因为你们对我的印象好 所以我不能摘下善良的面容吗
难道就要活得像个娃娃 一辈子对你笑 不管遭受什么委屈也不能 自我防卫 为自己辩护吗?

And I was not supposed to be angry? 

I bet you haven't seen how I fight with my family in crisis

And yet, after all unnecessary fight picked up by a crazy one, with another one hiding and not willing to tell the truth, I felt like I was set up. Pity human beings, being raised with "unconditional love" and pampered without feeling an inch of guilt by assuming themselves are the royals and treating others like shit, insulting people in anyway they like,yet claiming people are rude to them. After all those helps I have provided through years, emotionally, physically, and academically, there are someone who can just turned her face away just because I wasn't on her side agreeing what she has been doing wrongly. I even shed tears for her sadness, cut her ingredients for cooking and be there for her when she needs company.

Among these "royals"(whom might have thought they are), there are this adult who was supposed to be rational and mature enough in handling conflicts fairly, but turns out manipulating people's thought and proves to people that their education to the young one, fails miserably.
If it is for the good of her beloved one, one should have just let them grow along the bumps and rocks on the road. But no, I only see a spoiled child who happened to grow up with over-attachment to family and close friends, expecting everyone should obey her command and fulfill her desire. Why such attitude and behavior? Because, she only thinks that she is the center of the universe, the theory behind great stories. (great crisis to be exact)

nonsense and bollocks.

May this post have those sunk in miserable mind to be awaken. You are not God, people don't serve for you. People serve for Rakyat or dad / mom or boss. When you're neither of these, don't expect friends to be sticking to you 24-hours, as an obligation to your foot. It's not friends that you are treating, but it's your arrogant miserable soul that you are treating, feeding your desperate empty soul and depression with other's care and "rules of friends" that work like drugs because it will never be enough for you.

Justification for what I have posted above: 
You will know one is not true friend when they have chosen their own happiness over your important dates and events, claiming their flights couldn't be changed, this is only understandable when family is their main reason for not being here for you. 

But when someone slapped her own mouth by saying the opposite that the flights could be changed (after a few days) after knowing that it is a full attendance of my event(it always has been, because it's a graduation day), what is the whole point after all?You did not miss anything here, that means she can actually choose a date earlier before her flights and missed 1 day of her trip but she chose to miss all of them in the first place just because she wanted to play oversea for her own good and happiness, guess what she even assumed others wouldn't attend LOL (heartless). It's even clear that what kind of person she is when she bit back, blaming no one told her.

用脑袋想一想 (Oops, 你没带)

You can see that YOU are not important enough to them actually. They want to be there just so people wont miss them out and so people know they involved, and it wasn't for you and your big day, and they barely spent their time and use their heart on thinking to attend even when you were their best friend.


Anyway, she didn't manage to change her flights because it was already too late. She actually felt sad about this, that nobody told. Hello graduation is a big thing, everyone will be there, have she lost her mind? And her desire to attend was not for me, holy crap. She's been knitting lies you see?

After all these unspoken, self-centered thoughts that she has not been expecting me to know (maybe I look dumb enough that I actually believed her) has been radiating across the horizon, she still has the guts to bite back, tagging her sensitivity and self-esteem, and continue to swim across the crisis, eating up people like a crocodile.

True friend will not only be thinking for themselves. I have been understanding and tolerating, but this is the limit, and she crossed it, with her selfish and childish acts.

I am sorry as I caused an unnecessary fight in our staying place, but I will never treat this woman as a true friend again, JUST BECAUSE SHE STARTLED A LIBRA. Libra demands justice.

I rest my case.


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